Premier League and FA: enforce a zero-tolerance policy on gender-based violence

An open letter directed at the CEO’s of the Premier League and the Football Association was shared by a coalition between The Three Hijabis, EVAW and Level Up.

Cases of football players suspected with sexual assault are repeatedly breaking in the press. It’s time for the Premier League and Football Association to implement a gender-based violence policy that:

  • Takes an absolute stand against domestic violence, sexual violence and child sexual abuse.
  • Imposes mandatory, annual trainings to all players on gender-based violence including consent, violence and coercive control.
  • Appoints a commissioner to investigate and take action on cases where players are suspected of abuse.
  • Imposes appropriate consequences and disciplinary action on players.

Players who are suspected of gender-based violence must face consequences. In the US, Major Baseball League and NFL have publicly accessible policies, where players found guilty of domestic abuse, sexual violence or child abuse can be suspended without pay, or banned for life.

Right now, the Premier League does not have any policies, disciplinary procedures or investigation processes, for players who are accused of gender-based violence. The Premier League and the Football Association need to put a process in place that oversees all its clubs.

You can sign the petition here:

Sign the Petition

Press on the campaign include:

The Guardian

BBC Sport

Sky Sport

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